

Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat!!!!!

BOO! Choose your trick or treat from the bowl. Go on. Take one. Candy is good for you on Halloween. But be sure and brush your teeth after. : )
Tonight I went over to my sister's house to hand out candy for her. It was fun. There were about 20 little kids who came by, I think.
Click on the picture and you'll be so close to the candy you can smell the Butterfinger candy bars.
It was a perfect night for trick or treating. No rain. There was some earlier in the day, but tonight there was just fog drifting over the roads and making things look spooky.
My sister had a pumpkin outside with a candle in it. There used to be several packages of M&M's in this bowl, but they went first. I gave the kids their choice, and most of them wanted those. Well, hope you had a good Halloween. I did!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mental Health Awareness Week.

THIS post is a little late, but I wanted to let you know that the past week - in fact, every year during the second week in October - was Mental Health Awareness Week.
There was a recent article in our local newspaper on events being held to mark this. NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, sponsored a vigil to mark the beginning of the week.
The group has online mental health services. Check them out if you have questions.
Here is another link to the whatadifference organization. This is for people living with mental illness or those who have friends with mental illness. I hope this helps someone understand the difficulties of day to day living when you have these problems.
Things have been going well at the Portland Zoo. The baby elephant is coming along and growing fast.
The animals are cared for very well. It is getting chilly at the zoo, however, and before you know it, it will be time for Zoo Lights and everything will be lighted up and lots of visitors will ride the Zoo Train.
Check out the Portland Zoo if you are in town.
The photo above is of the Oregon countryside. The fields are plowed and ready for winter.