

Monday, September 17, 2007

A Tribute To My Beautiful Friend.

This morning I was thinking of something to write about on my blog. So I thought, "Why not write about someone I know quite well to talk about"? So I will tell you about a good friend of mine whom I have known for many years. Her name is Maya Frost, and she is truly a success story. I got to know her during our high school years in Gaston, Oregon. We got to take a couple of classes together, including chorus. I really liked her piano playing and let her know. She had a lot of friends, myself included. After high school, I did not keep in touch, but I did read about her in the local newspapers about how she was doing. It was on her blogs that I found out something wounderful that happened in her life. Maya has done great things for other people, and they appreciate it. I for one am really proud of her. I hope she has a great life. Thank you Maya for your great work. This tribute is just for you.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Zookeeper, Brad Fenimore Checking In.

Hello There! Thank you for reading my blog. I am just starting out, so I hope my thoughts are clear and my words are interesting. Hope I can be entertaing without making you bored stiff. If you have any suggestions or anything that can cheer me up, do not hesitate to write me. I am glad to hear anything. So let your imagination run wild. But not too wild. Ha, Ha! Just kidding. Hope to here from you soon. Take care.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Return of the Lions

In 2009 the Portland Zoo will be bringing back the lions. The structure, which was originally the Alaskan Tundra area, will be the lions' new home.
Right now there are fundraisers going on to help bring the lions back.
The most popular feature at the zoo right now is the new chimp born several days ago. He doesn't have a name yet.
The weather at the zoo's been good so there have been lots of visitors. There will be more 90 degree days this week, so probably more people will be visiting.
I like my job at the zoo. It's fun.