

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Return of the Lions

In 2009 the Portland Zoo will be bringing back the lions. The structure, which was originally the Alaskan Tundra area, will be the lions' new home.
Right now there are fundraisers going on to help bring the lions back.
The most popular feature at the zoo right now is the new chimp born several days ago. He doesn't have a name yet.
The weather at the zoo's been good so there have been lots of visitors. There will be more 90 degree days this week, so probably more people will be visiting.
I like my job at the zoo. It's fun.


thebiologyguy said...

Hey Brad, look who has a blog!
Joe here, and mom sent me the link to your new blog page.
I look forward to seeing and hearing about what's going on in your life.
Have a super week!

zookeeper said...

Thanks for writing! Hope to hear from you again.

Jenthesillysister said...

Hey Brad! I just checked out your blog. It's great! It will be interesting to hear what's going on in your life and what's new at the zoo. Talk to you soon!!!

Jenthesillysister said...

Brad...I checked out your blog this morning. It's great and I think it will be really interesting hearing about you and what's new at the zoo!!
Talk to you later!!!

Anonymous said...

We need some photos of Brad at the zoo. Anyone going to the zoo any time soon? - Jeanne