

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hey! Happy Birthday to Me!

The best sister in the world (well, one of them - I have three) made me this marble cake for my birthday, which is tomorrow, August 25.
She is a great sister because they don't make marble cake mixes any more. She had to make a yellow cake and a chocolate cake and mix them together. It turned out to be three wonderful layers high.
As you can tell by the cake I will be 49. It doesn't seem possible. The years go by pretty quick.
Thank you to my brothers and sisters for making time in their day to remember my birthday. I hope they know I appreciate it VERY MUCH!
If you want to know what I want for my birthday, how about world peace or a starring role in a great movie for Leah Remini?


Nancy said...

Happy Birthday, Brad! Sorry I'm a day late. Hope you enjoyed it. Your family is super!

Anonymous said...

Hey Brad!!! I just checked out your blog. I am really happy that you enjoyed the cake. I had fun making it. Next year for #50, we will really have to celebrate with the "family cane" and everything.

Love, Jen

Anonymous said...

Hi Brad!
It was good to talk to you today. :)
So sorry I had to miss your party (especially that yummy looking cake!)but we'll definitely be there next year to help you celebrate the BIG 5-Oh!! Loved the baby elephant pictures...keep up the good work!
Love and hugs,

Anonymous said...

Hi Brad! I enjoy reading your blog! I was away from a computer for about 6 weeks so I missed getting to tell you "Happy Birthday" so I hope you had a wonderful day - and yes, the cake looks very yummy! You have great siblings - like I do!

Patti (Burnett) Underwood