

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Zookeeper, Brad Fenimore Checking In.

Hello There! Thank you for reading my blog. I am just starting out, so I hope my thoughts are clear and my words are interesting. Hope I can be entertaing without making you bored stiff. If you have any suggestions or anything that can cheer me up, do not hesitate to write me. I am glad to hear anything. So let your imagination run wild. But not too wild. Ha, Ha! Just kidding. Hope to here from you soon. Take care.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see what you are up to, Brad.. keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Brad! I'm so glad you have started a blog! I LOVE your blog name, too! Very cute! ;-)
I hope the zoo can continue to raise money to bring the lions back...I love to watch them, and Leo is my astrological sign. It must be yours, too, isn't it?
Love, Judy

Anonymous said...

Hi Brad!

This is Amy writing from Athens, Georgia - you are going to have readers from across the country!

I was excited to hear about your blog. My kids will love to read about the zoo because they went there when we last visited Portland and had a great time.

I hope the lions get their soon! We'll keep reading!

Your Niece,

Anonymous said...

Hi Brad,
This is Ed, Amy's husband. Looking forward to reading your blog. I would love to know what goes on at the zoo!

living in PA said...

Hi Brad, I'm Amy's friend Alice. My kids love the zoo and it's cool to kind of know a real zookeeper. They will love reading about what is going on at the zoo in Oregon!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Brad. Just checking in on you. I would like to come take your picture at the zoo. You can show me the best animals to watch. - Jeanne, your sis

Anonymous said...

I'll get pictures of Brad when we go to the zoo! Watch out Brad!
Your neice, Jessica