

Monday, September 17, 2007

A Tribute To My Beautiful Friend.

This morning I was thinking of something to write about on my blog. So I thought, "Why not write about someone I know quite well to talk about"? So I will tell you about a good friend of mine whom I have known for many years. Her name is Maya Frost, and she is truly a success story. I got to know her during our high school years in Gaston, Oregon. We got to take a couple of classes together, including chorus. I really liked her piano playing and let her know. She had a lot of friends, myself included. After high school, I did not keep in touch, but I did read about her in the local newspapers about how she was doing. It was on her blogs that I found out something wounderful that happened in her life. Maya has done great things for other people, and they appreciate it. I for one am really proud of her. I hope she has a great life. Thank you Maya for your great work. This tribute is just for you.


Anonymous said...

That's a great post, Brad. I am sure Maya will be thrilled - but modest. Good job!

Anonymous said...

I hope Maya gets to check out your blog soon. I agree with you. She is a very interesting person...I have checked out her sight. Keep up on the blogs Brad. They are very fun to read.
Love, Jen

Anonymous said...

Great story, Brad.. I guess I didn't have the pleasure to meet her all those years ago...

Your bro.....

Maya said...


I am so touched by this beautiful post! I haven't kept up with my blog reading lately so I was amazed to see that you'd written this piece about me. Thank you so much.

Also liked seeing your autographed photos--I had no idea you collected them!

I just got your email this morning and truly appreciate your kind words about my father. He died last Thursday, but he was at home, without pain, and surrounded by the people and things he loved. That's a good way to go.

Thanks so much, Brad. I am so lucky to have a good friend like you.


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...


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